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Business Series Part 6 - Applying to Antique & Craft Shows an Exclusive Interview with The Farm Chicks Part Two

I'm very excited to bring you Part 6 of our Business Series. Today we are discussing the topic of applying to a juried antique show, which could also apply to craft shows. We have an exclusive interview with the wonderful Serena Thompson, part founder of The Farm Chicks Antique Show. She has provided us with a ton of valuable information, including all the details you need to apply to their show and some helpful tips for preparing and setting up.

There are so many wonderful photos from past years shows and helpful answers we've split this feature into two parts. (Click images to enlarge)

See Part One of the interview here.

Part Two:


“Nestting”.  Nice use of quilts to cover an otherwise very drab wall.

Upon arriving at the show how early should vendors arrive? What are some suggestions you have for set up times, display etc? 

We give the vendors a full day to set up their spaces.  If this is a vendor's first time, we recommend arriving right at 9am to get directed to their space and allow plenty of time to get set up.  Most vendors take all day to set up.  It's a lot of work and it shows.  Their displays are amazing.  As far as suggestions for displays, height is always good and lots of filler to add interest.  Tables should be avoided unless there is a good plan on how to make it look really planned out and not flea market-ish.  Allow plenty of room for foot traffic in your space.


Garden Girl’s lush display.

What suggestions do you have for a successful show for your vendors?

Bring a good inventory - plenty of items for re-stocking many times and bring lots of change.  Prepare yourself for an extremely busy Saturday. Have everything you need on hand because you won't really have time to think once the show starts.

Debbie Ward Kennedy’s really well edited space.  She actually had three full displays organized and ready to go in her trailer for re-stocking.  She went through all of them.

Do you have any other tips for vendor applicants? Future Vendors for the
2009 show?

The only other tip I can offer is that friendliness is key.  It's actually  the most important thing.  The vendors all end up being like one big family, which makes the show a very supportive, encouraging and happy environment. Maybe we should call it the happiest show on earth!?  : )


Adrienne Mineiro’s great use of materials for a beautiful backdrop

What is the application deadline for 2009?

We don't really have a deadline.  However, any contracts that come in after February 1st, are only accepted until we're filled up.


Nice use of a big piece of furniture for display.

A special thanks to Serena Thompson and Teri Edwards for sharing these gorgeous photographs with us and for the helpful information.
Please visit The Farm Chicks Website & Blog.



I just can't say enough times how much I LOVE and appreciate Teri and Serena! This interview shows how they continually promote not just their show, but all of the vendors who participate. These women help all of us succeed...God Bless Them!!!

Serena, thank you for your compliment. And thank you and Teri, yet again, for creating "The Happiest Show on Earth"!

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