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Making the Most of Monday: Set Your Own Pace!


If you are new to the magazine, Making the Most of Monday is a regular part of our features. Mondays  signify one important thing, a fresh start. It's like a new years resolution at the start of every week.

Hopefully by Monday you've taken some off time during the weekend to rejuvenate, spend quality time with loved ones and friends, which makes Monday your chance to really get to work and make the most of your week.

If you missed the last Making the Most of Monday click here for "Set Backs"

Set Your Own Pace

Hey everyone!

How was your weekend? Are you refreshed, refueled and ready for another week? I'm ready for the weekend to rewind and start all over again. Its been a remodel and redecorate month in the Wyatt house and I'm ready for it to be over. Although once that project is finished we'll have yet another one to start.

Do you ever feel like you can't catch up with the world? Is this fast paced life is taking over your sanity? With Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and every other site out there we feel a need to be connected to everyone all of the time. What about peace? Do you have any?

Are you rushed with breakfast, trying to catch up and late for lunch? Are you to busy thinking about dinner to complete the project you started yesterday? ( have I made it to 20 questions yet?) What I'm trying to get you to see is the constant treadmill of life that we're all living. It's non-stop and so faced paced we're having trouble keeping up.

I don't know about you, but I need a reminder that I'm in charge. I set my own pace to life. Daily routines feeding kids, laundry, business and work they're important and deadlines do have their respective roles, but what about everything else?

First and foremost am I enjoying life? Are my children benefiting from my happiness or are they suffering for my over-scheduling? This may sound a bit strange to you, but one of my main goals for us is to limit our TV time to a couple of hours a week, max. My heart wants to teach my children a love for a slower paced life. Home cooking from scratch, a love for books, enjoyment for simple things like laying in the grass with mom and dad talking about the clouds. I want them to enjoy and appreciate their surroundings as well as learn from them. I want history to be on our list of daily discussion rather than the latest and greatest television character. I want to mold my children not the tube! 

For me, setting my own pace means reevaluating priorities in our home and keeping our relationships strong. Think about this for a moment. If you work a full time job and only have so many hours each night to spend with your kids, what would you really like to do instead of sitting in front of the television? I'm going to do my best to see that my wishes and desires are met, but doing it at my own pace no matter what everyone else in the world is doing. What about you? Are you up for setting your own pace?

Have a great week everyone!
xoxo - Gabreial


ALVN of WhisperWood Cottage & Junkologie

I've been having similar thoughts lately. I remind myself constantly that "I create my life" and that I can make it what I want. Such an empowering thought pattern! It releases me from other people's perceived expectations of me and allows me to explore who I really am and what I really want out of life.

Thanks for a great post!


Vintage Indie

" I create my life" I love that! I think if we all don't try to measure up to what everyone else is doing, we'll find the success we're looking for on our terms.


AMEN! I love this series and often need to head over here on Mondays to get some inspiration on and get myself on track for the week.

Love the two comments above also! Thanks for sharing.

Vintage Indie

Hi Maizie,

Thanks so much for checking in on Monday's I really appreciate the feedback. Have a great week!



Hi...I'm here via the book "Blogging for Bliss"...I enjoyed reading your thoughts...when things get chaotic, I deliberetly s-l-o-w down...

Looking forward to more "Making the Most of Monday's"

Vintage Indie

Hi Tammy,

Thanks so much for stopping by! I actually haven't seen the book yet, I was hoping I would have my copy by now. Thanks so much for following it over to Vintage Indie.


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